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LOST&FOUND Skin Lab | Frequently Asked Questions


What does symbiotic skincare mean?

  • Symbiotic skincare means caring for skin in a way that acknowledges the interdependence of the bodies systems. Every part of our body, mind, and spirit has an impact on each other, and our skincare practices should reflect this.
  • Our skin is our bodies largest organ and is often the first place signs of imbalance or distress can show up.

Will your products fix my acne?

  • Acne is a medical condition. There are very specific rules in Australia regarding cosmetic versus medical claims with respect to products that are sold to consumers. We do not claim to treat, diagnose, or cure any skin condition(s).
  • Our products have been formulated with sensitive, acne-prone skin in mind, which means they do not contain pore-clogging ingredients, and have been formulated with ingredients that are gentle on the skin.
  • If you have specific questions about a skin condition, it is best to seek an opinion from a qualified medical or skin professional.

I've never used a product like LUMI before - how do I know it's right for me?

  • LUMI is safe to use on acne prone skin, scarred skin, congested skin, and people who want to support their skin across their lifetime.
  • LUMI uses effective yet gentle ingredients and has been specifically formulated for sensitive, acne prone skin in mind. There are no pore clogging ingredients in the LUMI mask.
  • LUMI works by supporting your skin to do its job well, not force it to do something it isn't doing already.

When shouldn't I use the LUMI mask?

  • Any time where the skin barrier is actively compromised - if skin is broken, oozing, bleeding, or in an active flare up of a dermatological condition, it is best to wait before using the LUMI mask.
  • If you have an egg allergy, the LUMI mask is unfortunately not safe for use. The mask contains an ingredient derived from free range eggs. 

Do I have to use the mask once a week?

  • Your skincare practices are best determined by you, yourself, and your skin. We recommend use once per week for the benefits of consistency, ritual, and routine.
  • Some people prefer to use the mask for special events only, or at a fortnightly frequency, however we emphasise the importance of routine when caring for and supporting the skin.

Are the red marks normal?

  • The LUMI mask provides transient graded compression to the skin - similar to recovery boots or a massage, some flushing is completely normal and should fade within 10-30 minutes after use.
  • The gradual compression provided by the mask creates movement in the skin and results in increased blood flow, increased detoxification, and increased nutrient delivery.
  • Not everyone will get red marks after using the mask - this is because everyone has different skin types, tones, and anatomy. This does not mean your mask is not working. 

I have a question or want to share some feedback.

  • We would love to hear from you. Please send us an email at




Have a suggestion? Keen for a chat? Get in touch with us, we would love to hear from you (really, we would).